Heritage Gateways

Official Sesquicentennial K-12 Education Project
sponsored by the Utah State Board of Education, the BYU-Public School Partnership and the Utah Education Network

Pioneer 1848-1868 Companies

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1862 (age 15), Canfield, Lucy and Isaac (age 44)

The Isaac Canfield (age 44)Company, Journal of Lucy Canfield (age 15)
Isaac Augustus Canfield was born Dec. 3, 1818, at Pittsford, Ontario County, New York, the son of Israel and Lucy West Canfield. He became a member of the LDS Church and was baptized Jan. 18, 1844 by Elder Wm. Hyde. In December, 1844, he married Pauline Melissa Smith in Livingston County, New York. She died July 15, 1851, leaving a four year old daughter, Lucy.

Elder James McKnight states that on the evening of July 28, 1862, a number of Saints camped near Florence. Nebraska. They held a meeting with Elder Joseph W. Young and Apostle Amasa M. Lyman. At this time Isaac A. Canfield was unanimously chosen as captain of a company which was ready to make the trek to Utah. This company left July 30th and arrived in Salt Lake Valley October 16, 1862. Lucy and her cousin, Rose Canfield, were members of the company. Isaac settled in Ogden, Utah, later moving to Southern Idaho. He died December 4, 1891 in Preston, Idaho.

While Lucy was only fifteen years of age, she kept a record of the trip across the plains a part of which follows:

My father, cousin Rose (Canfield) and myself left Livingston County, New York in the spring of 1862 for Salt Lake City. We traveled by rail to Iowa, where we stayed a couple of weeks and got a team of oxen and a wagon. We traveled 150 miles across Iowa by team and stopped in Florence, six miles down the river from Council Bluffs. Wm. Neil, his wife and daughter joined us here and traveled with us across the plains. Ours was an independent company and father was the captain. We had 18 wagons in all. James McKnight was chaplain.

July 1, 1862. Mr. Crosby came over from the Bluffs. Father went to the Bluffs to stay all night. Spent the evening with Al Stickney.

2nd. We went down to the boat before breakfast. Al came and brought us some perfumery. Mr. (James S.) Brown and Mr. Brigham Kimball called.

3rd. Mr. Merrick brought Miss Gray's trunk here this morning. We went out to look around before evening. Alvin West came home with us. 4th. Brigham Kimball brought us a mule to ride. Sewed some on the wagon cover.

7th. Father went to the Bluffs. We had a very hard thunder storm. Joseph Young was badly hurt. [See William Wood story.]

8th. It is a pleasant day. Alvin West and I gathered some wormwood to use for Mr. Young. He is quite bad. Al Stickney stayed with us last night. Our cover has been repaired.

10th. Hattie Young came from the Bluffs today to see us. Al and Rose went for a ride on the mule and got back to our wagon before dark. We had company in the evening, Mr. Joseph Rich from England, who is to join us.

11th. Hattie was here today, also Mr. Merrick and Mr. Stickney. Al went to Omaha and bought Rose and me each a fan.

20th. Hattie stayed all night with us. We went to church meeting and then down to the boat to see Mr. and Mrs. MacKee leave.

21st. It is a very pleasant day. My poor cousin Rose is so very homesick. Hattie and I try to cheer her.

22nd. Brigham Kimball sent Rose a circle comb to cheer her.

23rd. Worked on another wagon cover all day. 24th. Another day has passed into eternity and all is well. 25th. Rose got all ready to go back home but her heart failed her.

26th. Worked all day packing. We have another wagon. All our things are ready to leave as soon as the others are ready.

27th. Rained last night. Dansie Stickhey and I stayed in their tent.

28th. Stayed all day here, only 2 miles out of town. Our company was organized this afternoon. All seem to feel well.

30th. Some boys from Ogden camped near us. Al was up twice today. His company is about 2 miles away.

Aug. 2nd. Traveled about 8 miles. Broke an axle tree and had to stop.

3rd. We had a very hard thunder storm last night but pleasant this morning. Traveled about 4 miles. Heard a fine sermon by Elder McKnight.

4th. Traveled about 12 miles in the forenoon. Al overtook us as we were ready to start out in the afternoon. Rose stayed with them all night. She seems a bit more cheerful.

7th. Ten miles today. Crossed the Platte River. Church train close behind.

10th. It has not seemed much like Sunday today. We traveled about 15 1/2 miles with no stopping to rest. Camped at Lone Tree, pleasant place.

11th I walked about 5 miles this morning. Rode awhile with Mr. McKnight. Made 15 miles without stopping. Camped on Wood River.

12th. Had a ride with Mrs. Neil about 5 miles. Crossed Wood River, and had an awful night with the mosquitoes Got up about midnight and slept on the ground. Do not like Wood River camping very much.

13th. Got up and started about sunrise and camped for breakfast. Church train passed us while camping and we passed them while they were camped for dinner.

8 14th. Traveled 10 miles in the forenoon and 10 miles in the afternoon. Bade farewell to settlements till we reach Laramie. Mr. McKnight and Mr. (David) Minkler went to Kearney. Camped on the bank of the Platte again.

15th. We waited for Mr. McKnight and Mr. Minkler to get back so we did not start out until after 3 o'clock. Washed some.

23rd. Saw some Indians on horse back. Gave them flour and meat.

26th. Camped just at dark. 13 miles today. Mr. (Stephen) Tucker gave us some fish. Better wagon trail traveling today.

Sept. 1st. Made 17 miles and camped opposite Chimney Rock. "Tis a wild but pretty country around here. There is a stage station near it.

4th. Traveled about 9 miles. Roasted a duck for our supper.

7th. Had some wild berries this morning. Camped by Laramie, a pleasanter place than we expected to find. Had 3 letters.

9th. Discovered a dead Indian in a tree this morning. Saw two squaws. We climbed to the top of the rock to look around.

10th. Went with Mr. and Mrs. Neil up in the canyon. Most romantic place I ever saw. Made 20 miles.

17th. Made about 7 miles. Had to repair a bridge before crossing. Sandy road. Camped above Upper bridge. Some soldiers in camp.

18th. Started at 6 o'clock. 12 miles before dinner. Bates company camped near us for dinner. Did not get in camp until 8 o'clock.

19th. Some of the cattle missing. Did not find them until afternoon. Made another buffalo pie.

20th. Al went out hunting. Shot at an antelope but did not get it

21st. Started a half past four o'clock. Camped by the Devil's Gate. Crossed the Sweet Water River and camped about 10 o'clock.

23rd. Al and Mr. Merrick got back this early morning. Made 13 miles today. Camped near Lone Tree crossing. Some soldiers came down to our camp.

25th. Traveled 10 miles before breakfast. Rose and I slept until we got almost to a camping place. Mr. Merrick shot and the men dressed an antelope. We cooked some over our sagebrush fire.

27th. Wind blew and it was quite cold. Rose took some meal over to Mr. Bowey and got some beans. Made some sling of Salt Lake whiskey.

28th. Traveled 10 miles. Camped near a military station. The soldiers invited some of us to take dinner with them.

Oct. 4th. Very pleasant morning. Some new cattle. Mrs. Perkins" mule gone this morning. Al was not back at noon. Traveled till half past ten and stopped to let cattle eat. Al broke his wagon reach.

5th. Stayed in camp all the afternoon. Saw a stagecoach. Met Al and Merrick at the station. I rode with Dansie all the afternoon.

7th. Passed Millersville. Crossed Blacks Fork three times and camped at Bridger. Larger place than we expected.

8th. Went over to the station. Saw there a tame bear. Mr. Stickney had some oxen get away so we had to wait till they were found. Started late. Camped 10 miles on. Joseph W. (West) sent us some peaches by Mr. Dickson's brother-in-law.

10th. Camped about noon. One of Mr. Elton's mules died. It seemed so bad for he thought so much of it. Had some soup for our supper and it was first rate. Ground some coffee. Crossed the Bear River.

11th. Took dinner at Cache Cave. Quite a cave. Mrs. Blackman's wagon tongue broke and we camped about 5 p.m. opposite some high bluffs. Went on top and the boys rolled stones down them. Came by Needle Rocks today. Hattie's father came today. Camped in Echo Canyon.

0 12th. Came 20 miles and camped for night opposite some very high rocks at the mouth of Echo Canyon. Met some of the boys from the city with flour. Met the stage which was drawn by four white horses. Saw the Mormon fortification in Echo Canyon.|

13th. A beautiful morning. Were ready to start out and found some cattle gone. Our company separated and we went down the Weber Canyon. Crossed the Weber 5 times. Crossed Lost Fork several times. Bad roads and bad going. Camped in a valley surrounded by mountains.

14th. A very pleasant day. Got started at half past 8 o'clock. Most romantic road we have yet had. Would not have missed coming this way for anything. I never saw such rocks, bigger and prettier in shapes than all we saw in Echo Canyon. Camped at Mr. Merrill's They gave us some butter.

15th. Started this morning in quite good season. Forded the Weber 3 times. Good traveling in the forenoon. Stopped at Mrs. Kempton's and took dinner. Had some peaches to eat and a first rate dinner. Liked Mrs. Kempton well. Started out about 3 o'clock. Had a rough and rocky road and did not get out of the canyon till long after dark. We crossed the Weber and the oxen swam across and we camped on the other side.

16th. Started before breakfast. Left one of father's oxen this morning. Got to Aunt Hattie's about 10 o'clock. Aunt Hattie looks just as natural as can be. Had to empty all the trunks. They were all wet. We dried all and worked fast to get things in shape to pack again.

17th. Helped Martha sew a little. Went down to see Hattie's people in the afternoon. Went visiting in the evening.

18th. Did not go to the meeting in the forenoon. I thought I could not stand it to go two whole days. Went in the afternoon. Had a good meeting. Heard Brigham Young speak.

19th. Went to meeting with Dansie and all. Stayed to the meeting in the afternoon. Lizzie came up in the afternoon. Mr. Hyde and wife stayed all night with us.

23rd. It won't be long now if all goes well before we will all be in Salt Lake City.

Source: Our Pioneer Heritage © Carter, Kate B., ed. 20 vols. Salt Lake City: International Society, Daughters of Utah Pioneers, 1958-1977. All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the publisher. Documents and images are exerpted by permission from the LDS Family History Suite CDROM from Ancestry.