Heritage Gateways

Official Sesquicentennial K-12 Education Project
sponsored by the Utah State Board of Education, the BYU-Public School Partnership and the Utah Education Network

Brent C (B.C.) Moore Journals

June 1, 1997

Location: Scottsbluff - 541 miles left, Nebraska - Location: 41:52:00N 103:40:00W Elevation: 3880 feet

Summary: Day of rest in Scottsbluff.

Journal entry: Woke up and spent the morning visiting with some neat folks who have come for just a few days from Midland, Texas. They built their own handcarts and have endured the heat and long milage.

We held church services outside in the alfalfa field. We had an estimated 700 people in attendance, and it took almost 45 minutes to pass the sacrament. A general authority named Elder Clark was visiting and spoke to us. We were all dying in the blazing sun, and it was a relief to seek shade after the meeting.

I am glad today is a day of rest. So is everybody else who is recovering from the heat, sore muscles, and blisters of yesterday.

This is Amy. Elder Clarks wife spoke to us also. She talked about the importance of preserving family histories and keeping a personal record. I agree with her. I love to read the things my ancestors wrote about their lives. It makes history come alive and their faith inspires me.