June 11, 1997
Location: Ayres Natural Bridge State Park, Wyoming - Location: 42:44:03N 105:36:42W
Summary: Dehydrated.
Journal entry: dear people of the world
Today is another short day we are going 15 miles. I guess I was
dehydrated because I was sick to my stomach last night and today.
So I helped my mom move the car and mail letters to my brother and
sister who are their missions.
I can just see the wagons coming over the hills and it is just noon this will be a good day of rest for the animals. My sister and her friends are driving me crazy but we did get to go to McDonalds.
Well we are going to try and find a place to watch the Jazz and the Bulls. So this is Dan signing off from a small field and I mean small by a natural bridge 15 miles from Douglas and 14 miles from Grenrock Wyoming.