Heritage Gateways

Official Sesquicentennial K-12 Education Project
sponsored by the Utah State Board of Education, the BYU-Public School Partnership and the Utah Education Network

William Clayton Journals

August 10, 1847

Location: Salt Lake Valley (the right place), Utah - The end destination for the trek across the plains.

Summary: The Brethren continue to build and explore. Salt from the Lake is good! Clayton reviews his journal accomplishments.

Journal entry: TUESDAY, 10TH. This morning, President Young and Kimball have gone to the adobe yard to commence building some houses in that region. They have already got many good logs off the ground. Colonel Markham reports that in addition to the plowing done week before last they have plowed about thirty acres which is mostly planted, making a total of about eighty acres. The plowing ceased last week and the brethren are now making adobe, hauling logs, etc. Elder Sherwood continued surveying the city. Tanner and Frost are setting wagon tires and I have set fifty - two today.

The brethren who went to the lake on Monday to boil down salt have returned this evening and report that they have found a bell of beautiful salt ready to load into wagons. It lies between two sand bars and is about six inches thick. They suppose they can easily load ten wagons without boiling.

I have received from Elder Kimball a pair of buckskin pants as a present I suppose, but as I have on similar occasions been branded with the idea of receiving a great many kindnesses without consideration, I will for this once state a little particular on the other side the question. I acknowledge that I have had the privilege of riding in a wagon and sleeping in it, of having my victuals cooked and some meat and milk and occasionally a little tea or coffee furnished. My flour I furnished myself. I have had no team to take care of. Howard Egan has done most of mv washing, until a month ago in consideration of the privilege of copying from my journal, using my desk ink, etc. The balance of the washing I have hired.

Now what have I done for Brother Kimball? Am I justly indebted on this journey? Answer: I have written in his journal 124 pages of close matter on an average of 600 words to a page, which if paid at the price of recording deeds in Illinois would amount to over $110.00. I have collected the matter myself, besides writing letters, etc. This has been for his special benefit.

I have kept an account of the distance we have traveled for over 800 miles of the journey, attended to the measurement of the road, kept the distances from creek to creek and from one encampment to another; put tip a guide board every ten miles from Fort John to this place with the assistance of Philo Johnson. I have mapped some for Dr. Richards and keeping my own journal forms the whole benefit to be derived by my family by this mission. I have yet considerable to write in Elder Kimball's journal before I return.

I am expected to keep a table of distances of the whole route returning from here to Winter Quarters and make a map when I get through, and this for public benefit. Now how much art I considered to be in debt and how often will it be said that was furnished by others with victuals, clothing, etc., that I might enjoy this journey as a mission of pleasure. I have spent most of this day calculating the height of this spot above the level of the sea for Elder Pratt.

Source: William Clayton's Journal

Published by the Clayton Family Association, and edited by Lawrence Clayton. To the best of our research, this contents of this book are no longer under copyright.