May 15, 1997
Location: Brady, Nebraska - Location: 41:01:20N 100:22:02W Population (1980): 377
Summary: Traveled to Brady. Sweetie injured.
Journal entry:
Dear People of the World,
Today we traveled 16 miles to a small town called Brady they only
have 331 people here. Wow that is small. We got to camp at noon.
We went really fast today.
Oh boy today our horse, sweetie, was tied to our wagon and we were traveling down the road and a big truck came by and hit sweetie on the left hind leg. It broke her rope and riped her from the wagon and she was infront on the truck but he stopped quick. She was not hurt too bad.
When we got camp set up and lunch over I went into North Platte with a friend to swim in a pool. They are having BBQ ribs for dinnter tonight. I think I will stick with PBJ you know peanutbutter and jelly.
Well tomarrow is going to be a big twenty mile day so until then I am Dan in a field in Brady Nebraska.