June 8, 1997
Location: Guernsey, Wyoming - Location: 42:16:11N 104:44:28W Elevation: 4361 feet
Summary: Rodeo!
Journal entry: dear people of the world
Well today is sunday and I normally don't write cause even I need
a day off. Well today Danny Van Fleet organized a rodeo a funny
one. We had a flag race and some of the people used their big draft
horses I rode on some halflingers they look like tiny belguin draft
We then had musical horse where we all went around in a circle and had to stay by a barrel or bucket it was fun. Then we had the dizzy cowboy where you race up on your horse jump off then twirl your head on a bat with your eyes closed ten times and then jump on your horse and race back. It was so funny how many people got dizzy and stuff.
The little kids had a stick horse race and my little sister Aleah won plus she was the only one who kept the stick between her legs during the race. It was great fun for all of us.
Sunday night we watch those Jazz it was awesome.
Welll this is dan once again in Gurnsey wyoming.