Heritage Gateways

Official Sesquicentennial K-12 Education Project
sponsored by the Utah State Board of Education, the BYU-Public School Partnership and the Utah Education Network

Brent C (B.C.) Moore Journals

July 1, 1997

Location: Farson, Wyoming

Summary: Parting of the Ways to Farson -- Wind, wind, and more cold wind

Journal entry: We faced a cold headwind all day as we trudged through the sagebrush on our way to Farson. There were times that I was glad I was walking -- with the wind chill, the temperature was probably around 40* F. Many of the teamsters were wrapped in blankets as thy sat and drove their teams. Skinner, who drove the day rider wagon, was bundled from head to toe, and he said he was till freezing.

One of the wagons today had a wild ride. It was first in line at a break and somehow the mules got spooked. The driver didn't have the reins, and before long there was a whole posse of outriders chasing down the runaway wagon. They couldn't really do much, because the mules kept on going in a circle until they returned to their original place in line.

Farson is a small town about population 350. The town has been planning for our arrival for almost a year. There are signs welcoming us to town, and a large area with vending and concessions. Although the town is small, the people here are very open and kind. A bank from Rock Springs has even set up a temporary branch office so people can cash checks and get cash.

Our campsite is along the banks of the Little Sandy River. It is pretty muddy water, but it's not too cold I stepped into the river to cool off and get some of the dust off. It went up to my waist, and I held my breath and dunked my head under. It felt so good. We have not had showers for about a week and a half, so any body of water is refreshing. Some kids came by and wanted across the river, so I ferried them across one by one.

More about Farson tomorrow...