May 19, 1997
Location: Hershey, Nebraska - Location: 41:09:31N 101:00:08W Elevation: 2901 feet
Summary: Swimming in the Platte and ticks.
Journal entry: Dear People of the World:
Today we traveled 14 miles to a little town of Hershey. We used
our new mule team Handk and Eli. They came from Tenessee.
We got camp all set up and then went swimming in the Platte River with friends. My brother Brenton got two ticks on him, gross.
At night we got into our groups of ten and my mom fixed some scones it was good. I am having alot of fun out here. They have told us we cannot have any fire for the next two days while we go across the prarie.
Well this is Daniel Whitaker signing out from a field in Hershey Nebraska.