May 6, 1997
Location: Gibbon, Nebraska - Location: 40:44:54N 98:50:40W Elevation: 2060 feet
Summary: Gibbon greeting.
Journal entry:
dear people of the world,
we went 16 miles to gibbon. when we traveled today there were 600
markers along the road with 10 ribbons apiece representing 6000
people who died on the mormon trail. they also unnveiled a plaque
at the town of shelton for the mormon trail also. they showed us
where the first well was in town.
they made some cornhusk dolls and gave us dirt from the original trail.
my dad went to a doctor to have his broken arm x-rayed to make sure that is healing okay.
camp was in a park it was pretty fun it had a sand volleyball pit and we played until dark.
we don't have to get up early tomarrow. yippy.
see ya, dan