Heritage Gateways

Official Sesquicentennial K-12 Education Project
sponsored by the Utah State Board of Education, the BYU-Public School Partnership and the Utah Education Network

Brent C (B.C.) Moore Journals

July 18, 1997

Location: East Canyon State Park, Utah - Between Henefer and Birch Springs.

Summary: Henefer to East Canyon Lake -- O Ye Mountains High

Journal entry: We followed the wagons out of Henefer today up to East Canyon. It is not hard to find the trail that the wagons take -- they leave a very visible trail of tangible evidence, especially now that there are almost 60 wagons. The road was closed to other traffic, so, in grand American style, we took up both lanes of traffic as we went up the hill. We took frequent breaks, and often they were quite long, since the wagons were taking their time going up.

After about 8 miles, we pulled onto a dirt road that almost literally went straight up the hillside. It was extremely steep. I would venture to say that the cart I pull is one of the heaviest in the company. We had six or seven people helping to pull our one cart up the steep incline. In fact, there were so many people that it was hard to find a place to grab onto the cart.

Our trek today was only about ten miles. We got to camp and had all afternoon to eat lunch, relax, and go swimming in the nearby lake. In the evening we had an informal talent show. Some people read journal entries, some played song on the fiddle or guitar, some sang, some recited cowboy poetry, and others just sat and admired the beautiful sunset and the rising moon.

Four days left and two of them are rest days. All is well.