Heritage Gateways

Official Sesquicentennial K-12 Education Project
sponsored by the Utah State Board of Education, the BYU-Public School Partnership and the Utah Education Network

Daniel George (Dan) Whitaker Journals

June 19, 1997

Location: Martin's Cove - 302 miles left, Wyoming - Not mentioned in Clayton's journal. Fifty-six members of the Martin Handcart Company died here while waiting out a fierce storm, November 1856. - About 707 miles from Winter Quarters.

Summary: Socks that stink in the night.

Journal entry: dear people of the world
Today is a layover day for us and for the animals. We slept in and had a late breakfast.

At 10am we went to Martin Coves for a testimony meeting we had to cross over a bridge that crossed sweetwater it was where the people who came to rescue the pioneers and where young boys carried women and children through the freezing water. It really is a special place.

We haven't showere for 4 days and my socks stink but there is a dance tonight so that will be fun.

The dance was great they sang western and good stuff they even had flashing lights when it got dark. A girl I met from Washington is going home tomarrow.

Well this is still Dan from a field by Martian Cove and Devils Gate.