June 4, 1997
Location: Torrington, Wyoming - Location: 42:03:54N 104:10:52W Elevation: 4098 feet
Summary: More rest days from now on.
Journal entry: dear people of the world
Today we traveled 7 miles into Wyoming to the town of Torrington.
We didn't leave until 8am so that was nice. I walked all day with my friends from home and the wagon train.
There is a pool here and I think some of us will go swimming as well as you know try to watch that Jazz Bull game from somewhere.
We had camp set up and lunch over by 1pm so we are going to go and look at town. Starting right now we get two rest days a week that will be nice for the people but especially for the animals.
Hey Colton I got your letter thanks. Well I am glad that I can be here it has been hard at times but I know it was harder for the pioneers.
Well this is Dan from a gravel parking lot at the fairgrounds in Torrington Nebraska.