Heritage Gateways

Official Sesquicentennial K-12 Education Project
sponsored by the Utah State Board of Education, the BYU-Public School Partnership and the Utah Education Network

William Clayton Journals

June 18, 1847

Location: Casper, Wyoming - Location: 42:52:00N 106:18:45W

Summary: Pioneers remain along the Platte River while they ferry the Missouri Company across.

Journal entry: FRIDAY, 18TH. Morning very cold and windy. The brethren continued working at the new boat, others continued ferrying the Missourians' wagons over. It was concluded not to start today but wait and assist in finishing the boat and also to take the provisions on which will be realized from these two companies.

After dinner, I went with brother Pack to fish in the last creek we crossed about a mile and a half distance. We found the fish numerous and had god luck. I caught sixty-five very nice ones which would average half a pound weight each. About six o'clock I started back but found I had got more than I could easily carry to camp. However, when I got about half way, Brother Cloward met me and helped to carry them. We arrived at the camp about sundown pretty well tired. The afternoon was very warm and pleasant.

When we arrived the Twelve and some others were going to council. I went with them. The names of those who are appointed to tarry were read over as follows : Thomas Grover, John S. Higbee, Luke Johnson, Appleton Hannon, Edmund Ellsworth, Francis M. Pomeroy, William Empey, James Davenport, and Benjamin F. Stewart. Thomas Grover was appointed captain.

The President then referred to Brother Glines who was wishful to stay but the president said he had no council for him to tarry, but he might do as he had a mind to. Some explanations followed by Glines. but the unanimous feeling of the brethren was to have him go on. The President preached a short sermon for the benefit of the young elders. He represented them as being continually grasping at things ahead of them which belong to others. He said the way for young elders to enlarge their dominion and power is to go to the world and preach and then they can get a train and bring it up to the house of the Lord with them; etc. The letter of instructions was then read and approved by the brethren and the council was then dismissed.

Source: William Clayton's Journal

Published by the Clayton Family Association, and edited by Lawrence Clayton. To the best of our research, this contents of this book are no longer under copyright.