Heritage Gateways

Official Sesquicentennial K-12 Education Project
sponsored by the Utah State Board of Education, the BYU-Public School Partnership and the Utah Education Network

Brent C (B.C.) Moore Journals

June 12, 1997

Location: Glenrock, Wyoming - Location: 42:51:41N 105:52:18W

Summary: Natural Bridge to Glenrock -- Deer Creek river, sick day

Journal entry: I woke up this morning pretty tired. Last night, they needed help moving bales of hay from a flat bed trailer to a gooseneck. It was already 9:30 when they began yelling, saying that they needed help. Soon there were about 15 teenage guys and two girls who had emerged from their tents to come and help. The teamsters were fast asleep, and these kids, most of whom are paying to be walkers and will never ride in a wagon, spent almost an hour unloading bales of hay. Hats off to LDS teenagers who have been taught to serve.

Anyway, we got to bed really late as a result, and when I woke up I was feeling sick. I helped Roger grease the axles on our handcarts, and then decided to ride in the bus for a short while until it caught up with the walkers. We went to the new campground at Glenrock and quickly unloaded the bus. Larry started heading to the interstate, where he would meet up with the walkers. But at the gas station, I realized I had some kind of bug -- chills, aching muscles, etc. Margaret offered to let me sleep in her motor home, so I got off the bus and started walking back to the new campground. I hadn't walked long when an LDS missionary couple offered me a ride. They are the ones in charge of setting up the family history computers at each campsite.

I haven't walked today, and I have no idea what has happend on the trail, so when Amy gets to camp, I'll let her describe what happened.

[Amy says:] I missed B.C. on the trail. It was a lovely day today, almost perfect for walking 15 miles, but a little on the warm side. The countryside we are walking through is wonderful. I love the rolling hills. I guess we are here at the perfect time because everything is green and the hills are covered with flowers. Something is triggering my hayfever, but it only strikes occasionally. I wonder if it is the sage?

It is so enchanting to be part of this wagon train. I love it. I love to watch the children in their pioneer clothes. They are adorable. I don't remember what I expected this pioneer trek to be like. I am not disapointed. I think it is fun to see the way everyone does this their own way. Some spend hours and lots of money to make clothes and they look wonderful. Others come in jeans and a t-shirt. I enjoy the contrast. I think sometimes people are disappointed that everything is not perfectly authentic. Sometimes I wish I could see what it was really like on the trail. I have a greater appreciation for it than I did before.

Wyoming is a little harder traveling than Nebraska. We average more miles a day than we did in Nebraska, but, thank goodness we have rest days more often also. My biggest worry out here is communication. I talk to my parents when I can find a phone. There are many others I think about all the time. It is so hard to keep in touch with people from out here on the trail. I know my mom understands why now. So, to all my dear friends around the world, if you happen to read this, know that I love you and I am probably thinking about you right now.