May 26, 1997
Location: Oshkosh, Nebraska - Location: 41:24:18N 102:20:38W
Summary: Buffalo meat tastes like chicken.
Journal entry: Dear People of the World
Today it has rained and rained and rained some more. The farmers
say it hasn't rained in 9 months so they are very happy. Our wagons
are deep in the mud.
A friend of mine Cindy does acupuncture and she is helping me get rid of my warts. I did part of my day with the Odessey you know from the Odessey channel and they are making a wagontrain series called Legacy West and they had me do some acting on it. I got to eat some buffalo it tasted just like chicken.
We are staying in the school gym we are in the city of Oshkosh it is a mess. This is a small town only 986 people.
Naomi got stuck in the mud. It is Memorial Day so everything is closed and we also have a ton of extra people walking with the handcarts.
Most of the men here have beards and long shaggy hair. Well this is Dan in a school gym in Oshkosh Nebraska.