May 29, 1997
Location: Bridgeport, Nebraska - Location: 41:39:55N 103:05:55W Elevation: 3653 feet
Summary: Filming, roping contest, and a horse accident.
Journal entry: Dear People of the World
Today we traveled 15 miles to Bridgeport. It started out as a sunny
day but now it is rainy and windy. I am still filming for Odessey
this morning and rode with my friends in the last wagon this afternoon.
150 years ago Brigham Young got mad at everybody for messing around and stuff I bet he would still get mad today.
They are going to have a roping contest tonight with some people from the train. A horse got hurt today he cut his leg.
We are very close to Chimney rock we will get to see it tomarrow. We will be in Wyoming on Wednesday it has gone pretty fast. Well this is Dan at the fairgrounds in Bridgeport Nebraska.