Heritage Gateways

Official Sesquicentennial K-12 Education Project
sponsored by the Utah State Board of Education, the BYU-Public School Partnership and the Utah Education Network

William Clayton Journals

April 28, 1847

Summary: Crossing a river. Wild onions. Feed for the livestock. Cool, clear water.

Journal entry: WEDNESDAY: Morning fine and pleasant, no Indians. The wind blew strong from the northeast which makes it much cooler. There are many wolves and antelope around here, but no buffalo have been seen as yet.

Orders were given this morning for no man to leave the wagons except the hunters. The brethren had to make a road down to the small creek near which we camped. This occupied till about nine o'clock, when the wagons commenced crossing; the last wagon crossed at ten o'clock and then the camp proceeded on. President Young, Kimball, and several others going before to point out the road while the wagons were crossing the creek.

Brother Luke Johnson shot the horse dead which had his leg broke last night. The horse belonged to Brother Barney, but was in Markham's team and was a good one, but they concluded it was better to shoot her than leave her alone to the mercy of the Indians.

Our course for the first seven miles was a little east of south over a very level prairie and green with grass. The largest wild onions grow here I have ever seen.

After traveling about seven miles we turned southwest, being within a mile of the main Platte and opposite to Grand Island. We traveled till 2:30 and then stopped to feed, having come about eleven miles today.

The roads are extremely dusty and the strong wind blows it into the wagons and everything is covered. We are now near to timber and a good chance for grass for the cattle. At 4. 00 p.m. we moved again and traveled till six, having traveled about four miles, and during the day, about fifteen miles.

We have camped about a quarter of a mile from the timber and there is plenty of grass to fill the stock tonight. The water is also clear and cool and good tasting. The evening is cloudy and very cool, which affects my head some. Suppered on some antelope and went to bed early.

Source: William Clayton's Journal

Published by the Clayton Family Association, and edited by Lawrence Clayton. To the best of our research, this contents of this book are no longer under copyright.