June 7, 1997
Location: Guernsey, Wyoming - Location: 42:16:11N 104:44:28W Elevation: 4361 feet
Summary: Taking a dip.
Journal entry: Dear people of the world
Today we traveled 13 miles to gurnsey. It was nice to only travel
a short distance and then to have a layaover day. I walked all day
it was pretty hot so when we got to camp we all went swimming in
a little place on the Platte River. It was great I even washed my
hair in there. I had to do another dip in the river for Odessy hopefully
my last.
There is a circus by us by it is small and there were only four people at the circus and they were still doing it. Our friends the Duncans left it seems weird that they will be home in 7 hours and I will be home in 6 weeks.
Well it is Sunday tomarrow so it will be great to rest. Well this is dan from a rodeo grounds in Gurnsey Wyoming.