June 23, 1997
Location: Sweetwater Station, Wyoming
Summary: Wagons, walking, horny toads, and original ruts.
Journal entry: dear people of the world
Today we traveled 25 miles I rode in Chuck and Mary Quillians wagon
with my friends and played cards.
I walked the last half of the day which was about 9 miles. The misquitos this morning were terrible and they bit me alot. While we were walking this afternoon it rained alot. We are in the middle of nowwhere.
Today the walkers were about 10 minute behind the wagons. Today I am going to take a solar shower it is a bag that sits out in the sun and gets the water warm.
My cot broke so I am sleeping with the kid Zac in the wagon behind us.
Some walker caught 16 hornytoads Today we traveld about 12 miles on the original trail some of the ruts were 100 feet wide.
Well this is Daniel Whitaker in a sagebrush field by Sweetwater Wyoming.