Heritage Gateways

Official Sesquicentennial K-12 Education Project
sponsored by the Utah State Board of Education, the BYU-Public School Partnership and the Utah Education Network

Wendy Westergard Journals

June 25, 1997

Location: Rock Creek, Wyoming

Summary: Sweet 8 month old baby and 2nd night in the wagon.

Journal entry: Today we travelled 18-20 miles. We were supposed to go over Rocky Ridge, but it was cancelled at the last moment in the morning. We were told it violated our wagon train permit with the BLM. Luckily tomorrow, a rest day, we get to go back and climb it as tourists.

Today was another tough day because of the incredible altitude climb. We reached up to 7500 feet today. It was tough to constantly go up and down for miles on end. It drained a lot of energy out of us pulling and pushing the handcarts. The handcarts left at 6 am. and arrived in camp around 3 pm.

At our third break the wagons caught up to us and passed us. We yelled hello to everyone, especially our friends, in the wagons. It gave us new energy and pumped us up.

From this point until lunch I carried a 8 month year old named Sophie, in a back pack thing for the best greenies we've had on the trail so far. She was the cutest little girl with only 2 bottom teeth and a white bonnet. After a while I got a rythmn going. It was like back packing, something that was completely familiar. The best greenies we've had so far their whole family walked today and yesterday the whole way and they have little kids. I was very impressed. They were energetic and fun. They made everyone in the handcart company a little bit happier and a little less fatigued. Thanks to the Chad and Joanne Twitchell family. They even made up a new song for us to sing on the trail----with actions. It's the banana song. It goes something like this:

Peel bananas, peel peel bananas
" " " "
Eat bananas, eat eat bananas
" "
" "
Go bananas, go go bananas
" "
" "

Lunch was a beautiful spot right next to a river. The grass was green and tall as the river/ creek gurgled by. By the hills surrounding us were green as well- compared to the dusty sagebrush we had seen all day previous to lunch. When we left we crossed over a small rickety wooden bridge. It was fun sight to see, almost authentic. The best was to see the wagons ascend over the hill as we were waiting to follow. It looked like it was straight out of the movies.

We only traveled about 6-8 miles after lunch. Some people were dragging because they had used their energy for the previous hills. I handed out some sucky candy to those who looked like they had just had it. It seemed to help.

I got to camp and hung out by the handcarts. I sewed a patch on my dress today. I looks good, although I still have a lot more to go. Hopefully I'll finish soon. I have around 7-10 more to go.

In the evening I got my solar shower that had been sitting in the sun for a while and I rinsed my legs and arms with a wash cloth. I was so dirty that you could see each pore because each was filled with dirt. I bet I ate a gallon of dirt today. It feels good to be somewhat clean.

Tonight I get to sleep in Anderson's wagon again. This time I'm sleeping with my head away from the edge so I won't be cold from the breeze. (My head was cold last night.)

The stars are so thick tonight. I don't think I've ever seen so many stars. It's truly inspiring. Because we are in such remote areas maybe this is why I can see them so well.