May 3, 1997
Location: Grand Island (Sturh Museum), Nebraska - Location: 40:55:30N 98:20:30W Elevation: 1864 feet
Summary: Louie still sick; original ruts; playing games.
Journal entry: dear people of the world,
louie is still sick and we traveling to grand island and staying
in the stuhr museum.
We saw some original ruts today out in a pasture. not too much wind today our wet coats seemed to dry as we walked.
the museum we are staying at has a railway town set up. there is a tin worker a vet and a dutch oven cookoff. they had a u.s calvary reinactment team and they had a really neat tent. in fact my dad liked it so much and since ours was stolen he went and bout one. with some great chairs that are two boards hooked together.
the museum is really neat and they really like pioneers. i am glad it is the weekend and to rest just a little bit. we are still having fun playing games with the wagon train kids.
love, dan